I’ve been setting up pipe and drape backdrops for years. I’ve done backdrops for parties, some trade show booths and even draped an entire room to create a luxurious feel. But I had no idea some simple mistakes I had been making the whole time, errors that are easy to fix and bring your entire set up to a new level when done the correct way. Here are 5 things I learned after spending the day with a professional drape designer:

1. Draping technique matters.
I love the way drape looks. It can bring a pop of color to a dull room or hide some unsightly equipment to make way for party guests. I always just let the drape fall the way it did naturally but was blown away when I saw a professional skillfully lay panels of drape. She has a unique way she manipulates the drape with her hands that makes it look incredible and way better than the way mine does just leaving it as is. It only take a couple of extra minutes to style drape panels; whether it’s for a trade show, party or to hide something – taking the time to do it the right way makes your company look A LOT more professional at the end.
2. Hide your drape support and uprights.
This may seem obvious, but I didn’t even think about covering my drape supports completely for a finished look. It helps the magic of your drape be uninterrupted by the structure underneath. Sometimes this takes pole covers or extra panels to make sure no pipes are showing, but the look you achieve is well worth the effort. Also, consider investing in CastleTops™ on your Uprights which eliminate that “top bump” as you connect sections can give you a seamless wall look.

3. More panels = a higher-end look
You might be surprised how many panels of drape can fit on a drape support. You don’t have to stack it to the max, but having more panels then you think you might need to achieve a fullness that is expensive and high end. We now offer several of our fabrics 120” wide that will help you make a fuller look with less handling units. (Poly Premier, Poly Knit, Sheer and Crushed Sheer)
4. Cover your attachments.
There are a ton of ways to tie your drape back in different patterns, (zip ties are my go-to) but don’t let your audience see those. You can use the extra fabric to cover those (which we sell as Fabric Tie Backs) and give your set up a polished look.
5. The possibilities are endless.
This might be the most important thing I learn from my time with a professional decorator. If you can dream up a backdrop idea, there’s definitely a way to achieve it. You may need to stock up on valance hangers or Universal Clamps to pull it off, but more layers always give your backdrop more possibilities.
If you want to up your pipe and drape game, you can spend the day with a professional too. There are hands-on classes you can take to learn the tricks of the trade, and after seeing some of them, there is no way you won’t leave without learning a thing or two.
Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel where we are continually posting how-to videos and tutorials to get the most out of your pipe and drape investment.